Tribute to Matthew Hill
Matthew Hill, who died on 8th February, was a passionate advocate of the sustainability agenda, a believer in the power of the community to help tackle the climate emergency and an expert ready to use his skills and knowledge to effect change and make things happen. He was also a lovely man, kind and thoughtful, whose gentle demeaner hid a steely determination.
He was a member of the HDT board from 2017 until his retirement through ill health in December 2021 and co-chair of HDT throughout the covid pandemic. He was central to the design and specification of the energy efficiency measures built into HEART, led the energy efficiency upgrade specifications for our house at 50 Headingley Mount and founded and ran the Low Carbon Homes certification scheme for landlords in conjunction with Unipol.
With Tony Herrmann he founded Zero Carbon Headingley and was centrally involved in their transport and Greening Up Headingley initiatives, as well as leading the planning and delivery of the Annual Car-Free Street Fair on North Lane. In addition, he led and managed the last two Open Gardens days.
He was an enthusiastic singer and performer in Headingley Voices and in Sound Company, for whom he co-write their last production ….Without a Paddle, and he loved playing the piano and tending his beautiful garden. He will be much missed. Our best wishes and condolences go to his partner Marilyn Crook and his son, Jim Wild and family.
Please click here for details of THE MATTHEW HILL SUSTAINABILITY FUND and how to make a donation.