
Talking Heads at HEART

Talking Heads at HEART is a monthly event where speakers share their expertise on a wide range of subjects:  economics, culture, health / social and international issues.

We have had some fascinating presentations, recent topics have included homelessness, Islamophobia, and sustainable cities. The speakers are often local experts from a particular field and / or drawn from local universities / research departments. There is always time for debate and questions afterwards.

Talking Heads is a joint initiative between HDT and HEART. We welcome ideas for topics and potential speakers – as well as help in organising the sessions … please get in touch!

All are welcome.

New Year begins January 25 @ 19:30 


Prof Steve Carver | School of Geography | University of Leeds 

This talk will explain current definitions of rewilding as it applies to the countryside, remote and urban areas. Is it possible to rewild at a local urban level? What are the aims of rewilding and how can individuals and communities contribute?
The talk will also look at recent and current initiatives in rewilding and consider the impact of government and private support and the gaps in development that need attention.
Stephen along with colleagues uses GIS, Geographic Information Systems stores, analyzes, and visualizes data for geographic positions on Earth’s surface.
This achieves a detailed understanding of landscapes to further develop projects to promote the sustainable impact of rewilding initiatives.

Dr Carver is a Geographer and Professor at the University of Leeds. He has over 30 years’ experience in the field of GIS and multi-criteria evaluation with special interests in wilderness, wild land, rewilding, landscape evaluation and public participation. He has worked extensively on the development of wild land mapping and evaluation methodologies and has tested and applied these across a variety of locations and spatial scales including Scotland, England, Britain, Europe, North America and Asia.

Contact details

If you would like to get in touch or be put on the mailing list for news on upcoming Talking Heads events please email talkingheadsheart@gmail.com