Headingley homes

Headingley Homes

Headingley Homes aims to help to balance the Headingley community by providing affordable homes to rent by people looking to put down roots in the neighbourhood.

Our portfolio has varied over time but currently comprises of one house that we own and two that we have leased from public-spirited local owners to let to individuals and families.

The project links with other housing initiatives in the area, investing in Leeds Community Homes and exploring co-housing ideas. Our most recent project involved the purchase and complete renovation of a semi-derelict property to greatly enhanced environmental standards, with triple glazing and good insulation, using funding provided by Headingley Investment Fund.

Headingley Homes is keen to expand its portfolio and is exploring purchasing further houses, with the support of the Headingley Investment Fund.

Headingley Homes is accredited with the Leeds Landlord Accreditation Scheme and any fees received from leasing properties and any other profits are ploughed back into creating more affordable housing for those wishing to remain in the area on a longer term basis.

Contact details

If you are interested in the Headingley Homes initiative or in selling or leasing a property to Headingley Homes please contact us at: info@headingleydevelopmenttrust.org.uk