Board members

Alan Beswick

Society Secretary

A board member since 2018, and resident of Headingley since 1980, Alan has shared the delight of many other Headingley residents in the success of HEART and other HDT initiatives.  Having worked in the transport planning sector for over 30 years he provided pro-bono advice to groups such as the Headingley Network Transport Group and the Ash Road Area Residents Association, designing the traffic management schemes now in place around Chapel Street and  surrounding Headingley Mount. He is a firm believer in the importance of developing sustainable local communities if we are to achieve attractive, liveable cities designed for people and not for cars.

In addition to his Society Secretary role he looks after HDT’s social media and is involved in the Headingley Homes and Graffiti Group initiatives.

Alan Beswick

Sam Schwab


As a Headingley resident for almost 8 years bringing up a young family I enjoy playing an active role in improving the local area and contributing to its positive development. As a board member of HDT since 2022 and the current Chair I am particularly interested in finding ways that HDT can take action to benefit the full range of Headingley residents as inclusively as possible.

I have a wide range of experience that supports various aspects of its current and future work. I am an experienced public servant with particular expertise in health, social care and housing. From a finance perspective I have held budgetary responsibility for annual spend of over £40m and have experience of applying value for money tests on a range of projects.

John Hall

It is 50 years since John first arrived in Leeds from Bolton to go to university. Three years ago he returned to live here and discovered the work of HDT and the evolving community in Headingley. He joined the board of HDT in 2019.

John has always made efforts to be directly involved in his local community. In 2005 he helped set up a wireless broadband network for Swaledale and Arkengarthdale, a not for profit organisation, run by volunteers in which he is still involved and chair’s its board. He was also a board member of the Swaledale Festival from 2002 – 14 and has since put his career as a film maker and web designer to good use on behalf of HDT.

John would like to help ensure that HDT works inclusively for the whole of the community. He is keen to help develop local partnerships and collective enterprise to deliver our projects and believes the recent HIF funding will allow us to provide further schemes.

John Hall

Matthew Spence

I have a deep passion for Headingley – as a resident I want to make Headingley a better place for everyone and believe HDT strives to do this, I am committed to contributing my skills and experience to support HDT’s fantastic work. Having a background of managing and delivering various projects within the NHS I believe I can help HDT achieve its aims and goals. I am dedicated to fostering collaboration, supporting strategic planning, and applying effective governance to help achieve HDT’s goals. My previous volunteering with St Gemma’s and Sustrans to support events, fund raise and involvement with projects shows my commitment to contributing to society.

Alex Barrie (Co-optee)

Join Us !

Originally from Lancashire, I moved to West Yorkshire with work in 1987, living initially in Headingley and for the last 26 years in neighbouring Weetwood. Both my children have grown up in the area and attended the local schools. Professionally I’m a chartered engineer, currently focused on the programme management of multi-million pound cyber security investment programmes for a major telecommunications business. Having lived in the area for so long, I am interested in seeing how I can contribute the skills I possess to help the Trust in its aims and continue to build upon the great work to date. I have previous volunteering experience as a school governor in both primary and secondary settings.

Join Us

We are always looking for new board members, and if you think you might like to join us that would be great. There’s a brief account of what it might be like here – The HDT Board Experience