Local Election Hustings at HEART

Headingley Network is hosting a hustings event at HEART on Wednesday 19th April from 6-8 p.m. in the Shire Oak Room at HEART. If you are a voter in this ward, you are welcome to come and hear the candidates answer questions. All of the candidates are invited and we hope that most of them can manage to be there. The event will be chaired by Isobel Mills, Chair of HDT.

If you want to ask a question, please do one of two things:

1.    Send me an email at lesjef56@gmail.com with your question and your name.
2.    Fill in one of the forms available at HEART reception and post it in the box (I hope to have it there today – and possibly also one at the wholefood shop too).

It is important to note that we are asking for questions relevant to the ward, rather than national or global questions, important though they are!

Please do this by 6 p.m. on Tuesday 18th, so that the questions can be grouped into themes and a range of them chosen to represent the topics that are raised.

Isobel will put the questions to the candidates who will each speak on the topic. If we can keep the answers short, there may be time for responses from the floor!

We look forward to a lively evening talking about issues relevant to our lives in Headingley and Hyde Park.